Our Approach

–Neuropittsburgh and Conscious, llc., practice a whole-system approach for addressing cognitive balance through understanding sources in the brain.

–We keep an open mind to new research, and strive to understand and implement old knowledge.

–We believe in utilizing networks of quality practitioners, doctors, and counselors to ensure a breadth of experience, education, and accountability in addressing each client.

–Analysis, Therapeutics, Care and Healing

Christopher Rauhoff   MS, BCN, QEEG-DL

  • Licensed Behavioral Specialist
  • Board Certified QEEG Diplomate
  • Board Certified Neurofeedback Specialist

Christopher is board certified in Neurofeedback and QEEG analysis with a Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology. He is the owner and lead practitioner at Neuro Pittsburgh.

Christopher’s emphasis is on spectrum disorders and cognitive testing through evidence-based research. The analysis of brain function data is the tool used to pinpoint dysfunctional areas that may cause disorganized thinking, lack of focus, anxiety, suppressed activity, sleep disorders, and limited motivation.

Chris began studying biofeedback as an undergraduate student in the Experimental Psychology program at Texas Tech University. At the University of Texas, he became interested in the processes that lead people to creative behavior. Researching the creative brain has led to an understanding of how the breadth of cognitive and behavioral function can be addressed and changed to build a stronger and and more satisfied person. In 2018 Christopher began studying neurofeedback and neuromodulation with Dr. Tiff Thompson at Neurofield Neurotherapy, universally considered to be a leader in the field.

Chris has taught at four universities and been invited to lecture on creative thought and production.

“I’ve found the practice of Vipassana meditation to be greatest stabilizing element in my life,” Chris says. He is an “old student,” having twice been through 10-day training.

Janet Oliver Ph.D

Dr. Janet Oliver has treated brain function issues in children and adults for more than 30 years. With a emphasis on developmental trauma and brainstem functionality, Janet is an expert in neuro-connectivity. Janet is author of, Inner Senses, a book on reflex development, and has assembled an integrated process for change that can be administered at home.

Tiff Thompson Ph.D, MFT, QEEG-D, REEG-T, BCN

Clinician at Neurofield Neurotherapy and founder of the School of Neurotherapy in Santa Barbara, CA.

Dr. Tiff Thompson consults with Neuropittsburgh in the analysis and protocol selection for clients. She is one of the highest credentialed and experienced neurotheraputic practitioners in the U. S. As an educator and lecturer, Dr. Thompson leads our development and discussion of neurofeedback issues. Tiff also brings a deep level of empathy, openness and dedication to the field that we are most thankful for.